So, Halloween is upon us. Got a few parties lined up? Not too sure what to wear?
Well, if you want to maintain your fierce level of thespian-ess, why not try one of these suggestions?
1. A highlighter
Cause who can learn lines without one, am I right? Am I right?
2. Measuring tape
Cause how would you know how much your waist has ballooned between auditions without the tape there in the waiting room to remind you?
3. Opal Card
Cause the 5 second audition is not worth the 5 million dollar parking fee on Sydney streets.
4. Green Screen
Cause who even knows.
5. Burger
Cause you’ll probably TVC audition for one of these companies at least once in your career.
6. A Yoga Mat
Cause the stress of it all.
7. A US Flag
Cause you have the Green Card Lottery URL favourite-d on your browser toolbar.
8. Vitamin C
Cause the germs of it all.
9. A Coffee Cup
Cause how else will you get through that 3-4pm bit of your rehearsal day without it.
1o. A Tongue
Cause it’s not an acting pre-show warm-up without a tongue twister. And it’s not a Halloween party party without a tongue. Which wrist watch?
11. A Headshot
Cause how else will the industry determine your level of diversity (or lack thereof)?
12. Yorick’s Skull
Cause, do you even act?